Friday, October 16, 2009

How I Set An Appointment With A FORTUNE 500 CEO

For those of you that are ready to go after the BIG FISH, or that have some big prospects you are aching to get in front of but haven't got the balls or the chutzpa to make an attempt at, I will let you in on a little technique I used several years back when trying to set an appointment with a FORTUNE 500 CEO.

Now, we all know that these type of individuals have "gatekeepers". Hell, their gatekeepers have freaking gatekeepers! Its ridiculous. Anyway, I wrote down the 100 biggest swinging dicks I wanted to go after for my business deal and several of these people were off the charts....I mean if I showed you their names, you would tell me to "quit dreaming" and become realistic. Whatever. I had faith in myself and the deal I was going to bring them. So, I bought 100 inexpensive wallets and in each one I put a coupon for a catered, one-on-one lunch with me in their office for 45 minutes to hear what I had to say. This would set me back about $100 per meeting if accepted but give me an audience with an individual that had the authority to write me a check for $50+ million in financing for one of my projects. Not a bad trade off, huh?

My response rate? 13%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me repeat that......13%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now think of the jokers (your competition) who send out the pathetic emails, packages, cards, etc., and follow up with the inane voicemails that get deleted the minute they hear their voice? Why? Because if you are going to be "part of the pack" you will be TREATED LIKE PART OF THE PACK and no different. All you have to do is look around at your competitors and ask yourself this one question:

"Do I want to be like them?"


So if you are looking to get an edge on your competitors and set appointments with major decision makers without having to deal with gatekeepers......try Mark McClure's Wallet Approach. You can use any variation you want as far as coupons are concerned but the most effective is the one that allows you the face to face to meeting because the two ingredients to closing a sale are Rapport and Emotion..... and unless you are face to face with your prospect, you can accomplish neither.

Wallet Ideas: Movie Tickets, Sporting Events (find out who their favorite team is, go along as guest), Gift Certificate to your business.....get CREATIVE!


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